HTML Head Tags
So what’s the <head/> tag all about anyway? In this video, we take a closer look at the stuff we take for granted as web users: the title, meta tags, css and script tags.
So what’s the <head/> tag all about anyway? In this video, we take a closer look at the stuff we take for granted as web users: the title, meta tags, css and script tags.
Here, we dive into the basic HTML structure of all web pages on the web. The only real external link here is to the example HTML file gist.
In this video, I discuss the preparation steps we need in order to successfully make our way through this course! Mainly, I ask that you download the Visual Studio Code editor because it’s fast, has a great community and lots of great extensions.
This is the first video in a series on HTML for absolute beginners. In this video, I discuss the absolute fundamentals of what HTML is, what a tag is and how to use them on an actual web page. Stay tuned for more to come!