CSS Colors

CSS Colors

Ever wondered how to add color to some HTML text? Or maybe set a nice background color? Or even add a background color with different opacities? This video has you covered. In it, I cover the three main ways of using color with CSS — named values, hex codes and rgb().

CSS Element, ID and Class Selectors

CSS Element, Class and ID Selectors

If you’re new to CSS, you might not know how to reference elements in order to apply styles to them. Well, in this video, we cover just how to do that. In basic CSS, there are three ways to select elements for styling: By Element By ID By Class When we want to apply style … Read more

Inline, Internal and External Style Sheets

Inline, Internal and External CSS

What are inline style sheets? Well, it’s pretty much like it sounds, but in this video, I cover when to use them, how they’re different from “internal” and “external” style sheets, and how internal and external stylesheets differ and when to use those as well. This is the baseline before we start diving into other … Read more

What is CSS?

What is CSS?

As we dive into the absolute beginners crash course on CSS, it’s important to answer the question: what is CSS, anyway? I’ve heard it cascades, but how can a sheet cascade? Well, in the video I explain how style rules from multiple style sheets are resolved to result not only in inherited styles but also … Read more

Basic CSS Crash Course

CSS in 15 Minutes Crash Course

Learn CSS in 15 minutes (even though the video is 17 minutes long). In this video, I go over wire-framing, prototyping and then styling a super basic HTML web page. If you’re completely new to CSS, this video is for you.