If you want to learn how to create links to external sites, links to internal pages or even create a navigation section, this video is for you!
If you want to learn how to create links to external sites, links to internal pages or even create a navigation section, this video is for you!
Have you ever wanted to use an image on an HTML document? Well, now you can! Watch the video above where I go into how to insert images into your web pages using both relative and absolute paths.
Lists! How do they work? They’re ordered, they’re unordered, they’re nested. In this video, I talk about how you can create each kind of list by looking at a delicious bread recipe you can actually try yourself!
If you’re like me, you take browser screenshots multiple times per day as you’re creating web sites and interacting with designers, product managers, etc. For a long time I’ve been using a Chrome plugin to achieve this. UNTIL NOW. I recently stumbled on a way to take screen shots of full web pages without leaving … Read more
Formatting text is easy when you’re using something like a Word Document or a Google Doc, but what about when you want to do the same kind of thing in your web page? How do you make words bold, italic, underlined or how do you strike through some words? Watch the video to find out!
HTML Headings help us break our web pages into logical sections, which make it easy to skim over documents and also make it easy for search engines to parse our web pages and make them easy to find on the web.
Every once in a while, I’ll make a mistake in my Git commit message and I will need to go back and fix it. You would think rewording your message would be more intuitive, but nay. Assuming your most recent commit was the problem (otherwise you would change the number to indicate how far back … Read more
In this video, we talk about paragraph tags — <p>, break tags — <br> and non-breaking space entities — . We’re just diving into actual elements that go inside the body tag, and where better to start than telling the browser how to treat your text?
So what’s the <head/> tag all about anyway? In this video, we take a closer look at the stuff we take for granted as web users: the title, meta tags, css and script tags.
Here, we dive into the basic HTML structure of all web pages on the web. The only real external link here is to the example HTML file gist.